Join the Gettysburg Equestrian Historical Society in our efforts to preserve and maintain the equestrian trails at Gettysburg National Military Park. You can help ensure that the experience of riding the fields of Gettysburg remains available to this and future generations by joining or supporting the Gettysburg Equestrian Historical Society.

Click here to download the Application for Membership

. The annual membership dues are extremely affordable, starting at $20 for an individual, $30 for families, and$100 for businesses or corporations. We also have special $10 youth membership (ages 12-18). Donations are also deeply appreciated.

All members are kept up to date on Gettysburg Equestrian Historical Society activities (with the first opportunity to register for events), opportunities to join us on volunteer “work days” to maintain and improve the trails, as well as news of anything affecting the horse trails at Gettysburg National Military Park.

All members are invited to our monthly meeting and receive an electronic copy of the minutes of our monthly meetings.

Best of all, membership in the Gettysburg Equestrian Historical Society gives you that warm, good-all-over feeling that you are doing something positive in support of a good cause.

Mail us your application or see our online shop to purchase a membership.